Thursday, August 6, 2009

Educate, Educate, Educate.......

With more and more first time homebuyers entering the market, we can never overlook the importance of educating them on the real estate world they are about to enter. From the very moment they find their dream home, our clients are staring down the barrel of a process they have no idea how to manage. This is where we come in.......

As RFS professionals, it is our mandate to prepare our clients and provide them counsel in order to understand the entire real estate process. Does this mean WE have to be experts in every aspect of real estate, mortgage lending, and title; NO, but we need to rely upon the experts in these fields to help navigate the process.

Get to know the lenders in our network; understand what they bring to the table. Many of our lending partners have multiple years of experience behind them, understand the totality of our industry, and are eager to help you build your business. The good ones know how to research and find answers to questions they don't have answers to.

Not a licensed Realtor? Build a team around you of knowledgeable real estate professionals that understand the market and requirements of buying and selling homes. The same applies for our title company partners; stuff happens at the closing table that has an effect on real estate transactions on a daily basis. Get to know these professionals and leverage their knowledge.

Remember, our partners are seeing a multitude of transactions and are exposed to a full range of unique situations with each and every client they touch. Think of our partners as giant databases. With every transaction comes a learning experience and we need to access the collection of data that they are exposed to.

The bottom line is that every successful transaction is the result or preparation and planning. Take the initiative and begin tapping into the vast knowledge and resources our partners have to offer.

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